Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Back to the TO DO list at the start of a NEW YEAR!

To Do List

Every month, I will pick out AT LEAST 10 items from this list. This way, I should be able to finish this list in 6 months. Of course, after 6 months I will reevaluate it. But, the list has gotten shorter as I used to have 100 items on it. (I have made SOME progress, I guess! ha, ha!)

1. Finish cleaning garage
2. Pictures, refresh since divorce, one on wall especially
3. Finish cleaning bedroom closet-my side
4. Unfinished basement: Section 2--Baby Clothes, look for clothes for Katie. Put boxes away.
5. Unfinished basement: Section 4--Holiday
6. Unfinished basement: Section 5--Dresses, My Personal Items
7. Unfinished basement: Section 7--Paint, figure out how to dispose. Organize paint and brushes
8. Unfinished basement: Section 8--Garage sale stuff, figure out what to keep and get rid of
9. Unfinished basement: Section 9--Luggage and whatever else is left
10. Redo bedroom, just need to get new curtains and bedskirt
11. Redo Master bathroom, hire a painter (March or April), new towels
12. Organize desk downstairs
13. Clean out bills binders, cancel paper bills
14. Look at portfolios at ArtMart
15. Make a new portfolio
16. Go through art under bed
17. Look at jobs, keep Excel spreadsheet like I did in college
18. Dump out pots on deck
19. Clean siding
20. Make a blog book for the year 2009, buy 2 copies
21. Go through VHS tapes, give away ones that I'll never watch again. Order that holder to put ones in that I like.
22. Make a list/copy of everything in my wallet in case I were to lose it
23. Bring in hose holder, maybe throw out since it is broken? Make sure pipes are shut off.
24. Organize top kitchen drawers
25. Figure out new look for living room
26. Put all J/wedding stuff in a box.
27. Redecorate/tidy up Nathan's hutch
28. Dust blinds/clean windows
29. Finish baby books
30. Clean J's side of the closet
31. Figure out plan for garden area on right side of yard for next year
32. Go through dresser, clean out
33. Nathan and Autumn's cards and drawings, figure out where to put them
34. Schedule appt. for teeth to get estimate of cost.
35. Mint
36. Organize black journal that is downstairs
37. Remove stickers from Nathan's door
38. Update LinkedIn
39. Update my carriespear.com website
40. Nathan's wheel barrow
41. Party supply box
42. Clean up hair balls/carpet downstairs
43. Clean bathroom downstairs
44. Clean up litter downstairs
45. Organize and file mail away
46. Clean living room carpet (spot clean and carpet shampoo)
47. Clean rug in family room (spot clean and carpet shampoo)
48. See about getting couch covers for couches in family room
49. Change lightbulbs in Nathan's room
50. Change batteries on fire alarms
51. Clean floorboards
52. Autumn's closet clothes
53. Autumn's closet everything else
54. Nathan's closet clothes
55. Nathan's closet everything else
56. Autumn's drawers
57. Nathan's drawers
58. Unfinished basement: Section 6--Desk, figure out way to dispose
59. Fix nails on silver pods
60. Test water in front of house
61. Clean out car

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tentative Fall To Do List

I finished 52? items off my 100 list in August. :o)-

It was almost impossible to get all 100 items done, so in the Fall I am going to work on these remaining items and hope to knock out MOST of this list.

1. Finish cleaning garage
2. Pictures, refresh since divorce, one on wall especially
3. Finish cleaning Master bedroom closet
4. Unfinished basement: Section 2--Baby Clothes
5. Unfinished basement: Section 4--Holiday
6. Unfinished basement: Section 5--Dresses, My Personal Items
7. Unfinished basement: Section 7--Paint, figure out how to dispose. Organize paint and brushes
8. Unfinished basement: Section 8--Garage sale stuff, figure out what to keep and get rid of
9. Unfinished basement: Section 9--Luggage and whatever else is left
10. Redo bedroom, new bedding and decoration (pictures, candles, etc.)
11. Redo Master bathroom, paint and new towels
12. Organize desk downstairs
13. Clean out bills binders, cancel paper bills
14. Look at portfolios at ArtMart
15. Make a new portfolio
16. Go through art under bed
17. Look at jobs, keep Excel spreadsheet like I did in college
18. Clean up around trees
19. Clean siding
20. Make a blog book for the year 2009, buy 2 copies
21. Go through VHS tapes, give away ones that I'll never watch again. Ones I like figure out where to put them
22. Make a list/copy of everything in my wallet in case I were to lose it
23. Buy a new hose holder
24. Organize top kitchen drawers
25. Figure out new look for living room
26. Put all J/wedding stuff in a box.
27. Redecorate Nathan's hutch
28. Dust blinds/clean windows
29. Finish kids baby books
30. Clean J's side of the closet
31. Figure out plan for garden area on right side of yard for next year
32. Go through dresser, clean out
33. Nathan and Autumn's cards and drawings, figure out where to put them
34. Schedule appt. for teeth to get estimate of cost.
35. Mint
36. Organize black journal that is downstairs
37. Remove stickers from Nathan's door
38. Update LinkedIn
39. Update my carriespear.com website
40. Nathan's wheel barrow
41. Party supply box

Separate List
1. Unfinished basement: Section 6--Desk, figure out way to dispose
2. Take off silver pods
3. Test water in front of house
4. Trim tulip tree

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Its August. Here is what is left.

6. Finish cleaning garage
7. Pictures, refresh since divorce, one on wall especially
8. Finish cleaning Master bedroom closet
20. Unfinished basement: Section 2--Baby Clothes
22. Unfinished basement: Section 4--Holiday
23. Unfinished basement: Section 5--Dresses, My Personal Items
24. Unfinished basement: Section 6--Desk, figure out way to dispose
25. Unfinished basement: Section 7--Paint, figure out how to dispose. Organize paint and brushes
26. Unfinished basement: Section 8--Garage sale stuff, figure out what to keep and get rid of
27. Unfinished basement: Section 9--Luggage and whatever else is left
28. Unfinished basement: Section 10--Think of shelves
31. Redo bedroom
32. Redo Master bathroom
35. Organize desk downstairs
39. Clean out bills binders, cancel paper bills
40. Buy a portfolio at ArtMart
41. Go through art under bed
42. Make a new portfolio
43. Look at jobs, keep Excel spreadsheet like I did in college
47. Plant flowers by mailbox
48. Trim roses
49. Clean up around trees
50. Storage ben for outside toys
51. Take off silver pods and buy insect repellent
52. Clean siding
56. Make a blog book for the year 2009, buy 2 copies
59. Go through VHS tapes, give away ones that I'll never watch again. Ones I like figure out where to put them
62. Copy everything in my wallet in case I were to lose it
63. Separate my summer from my winter clothes
64. Buy a new hose holder
65. Test water in front of house
67. Trade in my engagement ring
72. Get some new dish towels, and table mats
73. Organize top kitchen drawers
74. Figure out new look for living room
80. Put all J/wedding stuff in a box.
81. Redecorate Nathan's hutch
82. Dust blinds/clean windows
83. Finish kids baby books
86. Clean J's side of the closet
88. Figure out plan for garden area on right side of yard
89. Put Brat's rock somewhere in garden or by tree, plant something in memory
90. Go through dresser, clean out
91. Trim tulip tree
93. Nathan and Autumn's cards and drawings, figure out where to put them
94. Schedule appt. for teeth/lgs to get estimate of cost. Try to target a date on when you will do this.
95. Think of a schedule for house repairs/updates, and how much I should save a year
97. Mint and Turbotax.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ideas for a future 100 List. (Yes, I am insane.)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

100 To Do's - Summer Edition

This is a blog for me to try to knock out a bunch of items that have been weighing on me (some for a long time, some for a short time) to get done.

Here is my master list. I am going to try to finish these items by September 1st. I am hoping then, in the fall, to compile a shorter list. Not sure how many items will be on the Fall list yet. :o) We will see how well I do this summer, first!

Carrie's List of 100 Things to Finish this Summer :o)-

1. Medicine Cabinet
2. Linen Closet
3. Under sink (Master Bathroom)
4. Wood in Garage
5. Wood outside
6. Finish cleaning garage
7. Pictures, refresh since divorce, one on wall especially
8. Finish cleaning Master bedroom closet
9. My nightstand, clean out
10. My NICE jewelry box
11. Go through Nathan's nightstand for my things
12. Autumn's clothes in her closet
13. Figure out way to get smell out of corner in carpet in LR
14. Fix dishwasher rust
15. Burn photos on DVD that are on my desktop
16. Clean up my desktop on my laptop
17. Clean up my Yahoo! Mail folders
18. Finish vacuuming and carpet shampooing downstairs
19. Unfinished basement: Section 1--Litterbox area and washer/dryer, laundry table
20. Unfinished basement: Section 2--Baby Clothes
21. Unfinished basement: Section 3--Gift bags/wrapping paper
22. Unfinished basement: Section 4--Holiday
23. Unfinished basement: Section 5--Dresses, My Personal Items
24. Unfinished basement: Section 6--Desk, figure out way to dispose
25. Unfinished basement: Section 7--Paint, figure out how to dispose. Organize paint and brushes
26. Unfinished basement: Section 8--Garage sale stuff, figure out what to keep and get rid of
27. Unfinished basement: Section 9--Luggage and whatever else is left
28. Unfinished basement: Section 10--Think of shelves
29. Craigs List!!!!
30. Dust top of kitchen cabinets
31. Redo bedroom
32. Redo Master bathroom
33. Clean basement bathroom
34. Clean basement windows and wash curtains
35. Organize desk downstairs
36. Organize book shelf downstairs
37. Bike rack for Nathan's bike for garage
38. Clean/Vacuum Car out
39. Clean out bills binders, cancel paper bills
40. Buy a portfolio at ArtMart
41. Go through art under bed
42. Make a new portfolio
43. Look at jobs, keep Excel spreadsheet like I did in college
44. Update resume
45. Organize bath toys
46. Get up on my doctor appts.
47. Plant flowers by mailbox
48. Trim roses
49. Clean up around trees
50. Storage ben for outside toys
51. Take off silver pods and buy insect repellent
52. Clean siding
53. Find out if I need land line for Alarm
54. Cancel Uverse if I can (tv) - Call in August
55. Give my passwords/bank accts. to Mom and Jeff.
56. Make a blog book for the year 2009, buy 2 copies
57. Clean cat food area, put bag up
58. Get rid of bottles, try to move Nathan to big boy cups
59. Go through VHS tapes, give away ones that I'll never watch again. Ones I like figure out where to put them
60. Craigslist my Coach purses
61. Go through my pants drawers
62. Copy everything in my wallet in case I were to lose it
63. Separate my summer from my winter clothes
64. Buy a new hose holder
65. Test water in front of house
66. Box up J's shot glasses
67. Trade in my engagement ring
68. Start using Google calendar
69. Go through my shoe boxes, get rid of shoes I haven't worn in ages
70. Make sand art with kids, if I still have instructions
71. Go through children's books, get rid of ones I don't like. Set up a schedule to read ones I like, like we do with library books
72. Get some new dish towels, and table mats
73. Organize top kitchen drawers
74. Figure out new look for living room
75. Buy hanger for Autumn's bows
76. Clean out Autumn's chest of drawers
77. Go through all of Autumn's toys in her baskets and bottom drawer
78. Clean Nathan's closet, put stuff in his chest of drawers
79. Move Nathan's summer clothes down, winter up
80. Put all J/wedding stuff in a box.
81. Redecorate Nathan's hutch
82. Dust blinds/clean windows
83. Finish kids baby books
84. Clean out coffee table
85. Organize divorce papers
86. Clean J's side of the closet
87. Sign up for a 5K and 10K
88. Figure out plan for garden area on right side of yard
89. Put Brat's rock somewhere in garden or by tree, plant something in memory
90. Go through dresser, clean out
91. Trim tulip tree
92. Put mail away and any loose papers away, have a schedule of when you file it away
93. Nathan and Autumn's cards and drawings, figure out where to put them
94. Schedule appt. for teeth/lgs to get estimate of cost. Try to target a date on when you will do this.
95. Think of a schedule for house repairs/updates, and how much I should save a year
96. Look at bills, figure out what I can cut. Add in property tax per month. Figure out total for tuition each month starting in fall.
97. Mint and Turbotax.
98. See if there is a way to make mornings easier
99. Figure out work out schedule, including weights and yoga. Look into Zumba class or fun classes to take once in awhile.
Notes: Signed up for Zumba class, after that will decide how to work in weights.
100. Go through Kraft recipe magazines and pull out recipes I like and add to .txt file. Recycle magazines.